C# demo WebSite

In our example, we use Visual Studio 2010 Professionel (you can use Visual studio express edition).We start by creating a webproject Asp.net mvc 3.

Step 1 create asp.net mvc3 project

We choose an internet project (with home controller generated etc...) and we also select the Unit test that we will use in the last step of this project.

Step 1 choose internet project with unit test

You have a new base asp.net mvc 3 project that you can execute.

Step 1 new project ready

But now, we need to install the cloud connect library.

To install cloudconnect, we use Nuget packet manager

  • Open Menu Tools > Library Package Manager > Package Manager Console
  • Type Install-Package MD.CloudConnect

Step 2 setup library

We need a data model in our website to play with cloud connect. To do so, we will start by creating a very simple model.

  • Go to the Model directory
  • Right click on the directory
  • Add > Class... (or use shortkey Shift + Alt + C)

Step 2 setup library

Enter this code in the new file MyModelOfData.cs :

    public class MyModelOfData
        public string Asset { get; set; }
        public DateTime Date { get; set; }
        public double Longitude { get; set; }
        public double Latitude { get; set; }

        public bool IsValid { get; set; }
        public bool Ignition { get; set; }
        public double Speed { get; set; }
        public double Direction { get; set; }

        public int TotalOdometer { get; set; }

For our example, we choose to use a specific feature in the library to manage the data cache (for more details, please see documentaiion about data with cloud connect)
To use this feature, we need to create a repository to synchronize data in our database and data in the cloudconnect library.

For our example, we don't have a database but we simulate that with a fake repository.
In your case you may be need to adapt the example with your specific repository

In the directory, Model, we create a new directory name Repository and we add a new class:

  • Create subdirectory Repository inside Model directory
  • Right click on the directory
  • Add > Class... (or use shortkey Shift + Alt + C)
  • Add class name MyDataCacheRepository

Enter this code in the file MyDataCacheRepository.cs

    public class MyDataCacheRepository : MD.CloudConnect.IDataCache
        #region Singleton        
        protected static readonly MyDataCacheRepository _instance = new MyDataCacheRepository();
        public static MyDataCacheRepository Instance
                lock (_instance)
                    return _instance;

        static MyDataCacheRepository()


        /// We don't have database in our example, so we always return DateTime.MinValue but in real
        /// you MUST return the last maximum datetime recorded for your asset 
        public DateTime getHistoryFor(string asset, MD.CloudConnect.ITracking data)
            return DateTime.MinValue;

This class will be used by the library to pre-load information about asset in the cloud. We choose to use a singleton pattern to simplify the manipulation.
Now, we just need to declare this class when the website start. The best place to do that is under global.asax in application_start .

  • Open global.asax file
  • Go in the function Application_Start()
  • Enter the following code
protected void Application_Start()



private void InitializeCloudConnect()
    //List the field that we want in the notification result
    string[] fieldsThatIWould = new string[]

    MD.CloudConnect.Notification.Instance.Initialize(fieldsThatIWould, MyWebSite.Models.Repository.MyDataCacheRepository.Instance, true);

We define in the function InitializeCloudConnect the list of fields that we want manage with the cloud connect library. These fields will be automatically add in the data cache.

Now the last step to receive data on our website is an entry point. To do that, we use http handler.

  • Add directory HttpHandler in your web project
  • Right click on the new directory
  • Add > New Item..
  • Select ASP.NET Handler
  • Enter a name like Notifications

Step 5 entry point

In this handler, add the code :

private static readonly object _lockHandler = new object();

public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
    string data = String.Empty;

    if (context.Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
        //to not have concurrent access
        if (System.Threading.Monitor.TryEnter(_lockHandler, 15000))
                using (StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream, context.Request.ContentEncoding))
                    data = stream.ReadToEnd();

                List decodedData = MD.CloudConnect.Notification.Instance.Decode(data);
                foreach (MD.CloudConnect.MDData mdData in decodedData)
                    if (mdData.Meta.Event == "track")
                        MD.CloudConnect.ITracking tacking = mdData.Tracking;

                        /* use tracking.Longitude, tracking.Speed ... */
            catch /* (Exception error) */
                // Log error here for example with Log.net library


Require :
You MUST add using on top of your file
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;

You can download here the source code of webdemo.